Moodle integration

Reveal.js integration can be directly embedded into Moodle via the file feature.

Used tools

  • Moodle
  • (Optional) the npm convenience script npm run zip:prod uses some bash tools to streamline the creation of a ZIP file needed for the upload.


  1. Zip the entire reveal.js presentation (including media, static, and HTML files).
  2. Create a file tool in the Moodle course and upload the zip.
  3. Unzip the uploaded zip folder in the Moodle tool and specify the index.html to be the main file. The link to this Moodle file resource will now display the presentation.

Steps to upload a reveal.js presentation to Moodle

Thank you to the RUB eLearning support team for the helpful instructions!

[Optional] Inline embedding

This resource can also be embedded as an <iframe> to be viewed inline. I.e., create a Label resource and add the following HTML

<iframe width="850" height="600" src="https://moodle.{link-to-created-resource}/index.html#/">
  Fallback text here for unsupporting browsers, of which there are scant few.

Reveal.js embedded as iframe


You can also run the

npm run zip:prod

command to compile static files and create a zip containing the entire page for the upload. Depending on the modifications you have introduced, you may have to update the logic.


I am currently trending towards formulating this as a traditional Makefile.